Saturday, December 22, 2007

Minnie and Aliyah grateful...

Aliyah and Minnie received some beautiful gifts today. Thanks to Jack from church for playing Santa. A young, single businessman from the twin cities (mom a member of our church here) bought them all and even wrapped them. 1 large box contained a complete set of dishes! Minnie was overwhelmed. On top of that, he also sent a gift card. How generous! Afterward, I took Liyah ice skating, and Elle and friend Lisa went to see a movie. I called Linda (Paul's musician friend who did some singing at the reception) to inquire about how to start the process of getting an exchange student. Linda and her husband Tom are sponsoring a boy named Julien, from Belgium, and they are really enjoying him. We're thinking next year when Elle's in high school. We must finish up some Christmas cards yet, and afterward, Elle and I are doing a little baking. Some for here, and some to take along to Nashville.

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