Sunday, December 29, 2013

A few lovely photos of the wedding here...

Merry Christmas!

Thanks for following the 'goings on' of the Thelens and our extended family. Now most of my (should I say older, and less computer savvy) relatives are all on board on Facebook, so we keep updated that way through social media, and less time here on the blog. However, now and then I will post a few pictures, just because :D Miss Belle is now past 4, and Miss Charlotte is 2 1/2. Eva and Mike have been married for 4 months now, and everything else is much the, work and more work, with the occasional vacation. Next year at this time, we hope for all the family to be in Paris and vicinity for the week following Christmas. We have a lot of planning and saving yet to get to that point. Blessings to all!