Sunday, June 1, 2008

great weekend, and this and that

Did a little visiting and got a lot of work done this weekend. The pool will be 'swim-able' soon. It's been thoroughly cleaned, refilled, and the pump set to go. Now the weather just has to warm up. I also had a nice visit with friend Kate's always nice to catch up on life with her. Heard from Elise yesterday and she mentioned that she and James were stopping for lunch and looking at fencing. The conversation brought back memories of how hard Paul and I worked putting in our privacy fence. I had sore muscles for a week...not used to using them that way, I guess. Elle had a great concert today at the Cathedral of St. Paul. The vocal honor students were featured in Zoltan Kodaly's Stabat Mater. It was wonderfully done. Seeing Cory Schneider and Sarah McVeigh (James' replacement) directing the students, gave me a feeling of missing James at the podium. The music program is very strong here in Fondy, and we have James to thank in part for that:) A special birthday wish goes out today to Mike Phalen, one of my many foster siblings, as he turns 30-something. (Memory has it that he was born in 1970.) My Mom and Dad had a foster license for many years in Manitowoc County. I have nice memories of Michael, and I hope he thinks about me (and the family) now and then.

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