Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Aliyah's recital went well

The young kids had their recital last night at the PAC at the high school. This was very nice, as in the past, all the kids were together and it was just too long. Last night the recital lasted only 1 1/2 hours. Now Aliyah is finished for the summer, and Elle's recital is scheduled for the 20th., after which she'll be all done too. The only glitch was Minnie's new video camera, which froze up in the middle of the first number. I pulled out the batteries and put them back in, and that did the trick for the remainder of the show. Liyah's cousin Cameron came along, and at only 2 he was all over the place. Between Elle and Minnie and I, we managed to keep him occupied until the end:)

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