Monday, August 29, 2011

29 years:)

Thanks to everyone for the anniversary wishes and cards. Paul spent the day doing several weddings, and Elle and I managed a nice work out. Afterward we went out for dinner. Today it's back to a more normal routine. Elle has play practice, Eva is teaching, and Paul is at the Holy Family office. I'm heading up to Oshkosh to get my work schedule for this fall, and looking forward to a new and exciting job with the school system. Still doing local respite on the weekends here, so I'm plenty busy. Belated birthday wishes go out to our friend Jon, who shares his birthday with our anniversary. Stop by anytime Jon for a Jameson shot to celebrate! We're also in the process of planning a September camping trip. Anyone with ideas for something new, text or call me...always open to new, local places. Tonight we will use up some of the plentiful basil, with a Thai chicken and basil stir fry. Mmm, can't wait.

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