Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Birthday to Mary:)

Today we celebrate with longtime friend Mary Seiler. I dug up this old (November 1973) photo from our cheer leading days in 8th. grade at Saint Boniface. Mary is in the middle of the back row, and I am next to her on the right of photo. My foster sister Petie used to make fun of us and call us 'rah rahs' but we had a great time out there:) Sorry for the poor quality, but what a great memory. My high school boyfriend Mike is practicing behind me.


Unknown said...

Julie, it's SO wild that you have a friend named Mary Seiler - that's my Grammie's name! My grandfather was from East Jordan, Michigan, though, and I'm almost positive there's no relation. But what a co-inky-dink! :D

Julie said...

How interesting Mel! That is quite a coincidence. Mary's maiden name is Helgerson, and her father Glenn made many references to his roots in Norway. Mary's husband is from Two Rivers, I believe.