The weekend started early with a concert at the Windhover on Friday featuring Eugene Rousseau. He is one of the leading classical saxophone performers in the world. He's also a researcher and designer for Yamaha instruments. He has a very impressive bio. Elle was astonished by his talent. Yamaha offered to gold plate his saxophone, but he said not to bother, because he didn't care how it looked, and it wouldn't help the sound:) On Saturday, UW hosted a clinic with Rousseau teaching technique. Paul and Elle went and were impressed with how friendly and approachable he was, and also his candor with young people. The musical Jekyll and Hyde wrapped up Saturday night, and it was great. Photos will be coming soon. Afterward Elle headed out to the cast party until 2 AM. This morning was the usual round of church and choir practices, and then back to the high school for set strike. I grilled some chicken this afternoon, taking advantage of the great weather, and made a large batch of guacamole. Elle is sacked out on the couch with Carmen, as Eva and Paul travel over to Marian for a late mass and practice. A quiet evening at home will be nice.
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