Elle was to march today in the parade with the Fondy marching band. However, after a 2 week camp and a 2 hour rehearsal today, someone forgot to reserve the bus to get them to the parade start. They did not make it. All the students sat in their black woolen uniforms for 40 minutes waiting for the bus. Unfortunate. On a lighter note, Elise called to say that although they were evacuated due to the storm, they made it home safely. She was stung by a jellyfish and stepped on a sting ray (which squiggled away and felt like a chamois.) Other than that, she got a little sunburn. On the Eva front, she's busy this weekend moving in to one of our rentals with 3 other girls from Marian...I think they are nursing students, but one might be an education major. Tomorrow and Wednesday I am taking off to help with painting and cleaning. Paul has to do some drywalling, as the previous renter's son was autistic and kicked a lot of walls. Eva went to the residence early yesterday to help the family move and to clean up. The autistic boy's 3 year old sibling said, "get the hell out of my room." Eva handled it very well. She said, "I am here to help your Mom." To that he said, "Well stand here," pointing her to the corner. Eva went to the corner and waited for Mom. Mom said nothing...just collected the child and moved on. I count my blessings every day.
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