Sunday, February 3, 2008

feast or famine

After having the month of December off, it's hard to comprehend such long days. They won't last long. My Alzheimer's patient is being evaluated and is on a waiting list for placement at a facility. Then I will have just the one the occasional respites here at home with my 13 year old autistic. The actual adult group home where I have my position is quite beautiful. It is newly built, with hard wood floors, and a lovely sensibly designed kitchen. It's amazing how everyone always seems to congregate in the kitchen. One of my favorite authors, Rose Wilder Lane once said, "Friendliness not genuine in the kitchen is not improved by a parlor." Actually, Laura Ingalls Wilder is given credit for that remark, but her much more famous (at the time) daughter was really the "ghost writer" of the Little House books. I have all of Rose's books. She was VERY intelligent, and was considered one of the strongest forces behind the Libertarian political party. Anyone interested should read The Discovery of Freedom. Her best friend was Dorothy Thompson, who was the wife of Sinclair Lewis, who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1930.

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