John Steinbeck himself would have been frightened. I had the worst 'spider' moment of my life. While helping out at Elise and James' new house, I was trying to tighten up the garage door sensors. They had loosened up, which happens a lot, and they weren't facing each other. The door would't properly close. So I was kneeling down with my right hand tightening the wing nut. I had previously noticed some VERY big insects in a web, and 2 big egg sacs, but didn't worry much. It was 41 degrees and growing up on Lake Michigan I knew spiders to be VERY sluggish in November. Well, as I started to tighten I noticed something moving in the web. I glanced up and saw a black widow. I didn't realize that my right pinkie finger was stuck in the web with the egg sacs. The movement must have drawn 'Momma' out. Our 'Momma' spider gently caressed her egg sacs, and then came after me, but I was long gone. I called Elise out to look, and she said I was white. I've never been that close to a black widow before. I could literally feel her vibrations. The neighbor said to destroy the egg sacs which can hold 700 spider-lings...so we did. Elise and I were crawly all night. On a lighter note, we cleaned the house pretty well, spending 12+ hour days, and even managed to bathe the cats. Really, the house was trashed. There was glass everywhere. Elise said that James pushed her into the laundry room when it was discovered they had a break-in, because he didn't know if the person or persons were still there. She was happy to see me on Thursday, and got up to check the locks when I left early this morning.
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