Last night we ended up in the ER for 3 hours with Eva. She was having chest pain, and it was getting serious. She was born with 'pectus excavatum' or funnel chest to the lay person, and when she was 5 years old doctors said it was not bad enough to warrant surgery. She has never had any symptoms, and has always been very active. Her cousin Kylie had surgery several years ago to correct this problem, and I recall her Mom Kathy saying she just had 4 inches between the sternum and backbone. Eva's case was not that severe. Somewhere I read about a familial link(?) Anyway, after a series of tests, blood work and x-rays, it was determined not to be serious, but only a condition called 'costochondritis,'which is a swelling of the cartilage joining the ribs to the breastbone. The source of the pain may have been stress induced. What stress? A wedding 3 weeks away, a break-in down in Nashville, term-papers, finals, pedagogy class, juries, etc. Did that hit close to home. She was prescribed hydrocodone, but I'm VERY cautious about that. She had 1 dose, and it cleared up the pain immediately, but she was totally 'loopy' for lack of a better word. We'll see how today goes. I'm working at an all day church community blood drive, and later helping out with Immanuel Trinity's free thanksgiving meal program to the homebound. It's a great community effort. Volunteers sign up to help fix the meals, or deliver them to individual homes. I heard that they will be starting up a Christmas meal program also. Lots to do get started. Keep Eva in your thoughts and prayers, please.