Wishing our good friend Debby a wonderful birthday as she celebrates with Dan and Danny:) Two of today's photos are Elle with friends at the State Honor's Concert, and the other is the Fond du Lac reporter pic advertising Pirates of Penzance this weekend. It will certainly be a busy week, with today being the dress rehearsal, and shows following until Saturday evening's dinner theater. For the family and locals, there are still tickets available. Thanks to Nellie for covering some hours for me at work, so I can get to the show. In return, I'm watching her little one on my days off, but I certainly have the best part of the deal! Peyton is a very content little girl. She spent an hour with Eva yesterday, listening to Shostakovitch...clever girl:) Also for Fondy friends, the Symphonic Band concert is the 13th.at St. Paul's Cathedral, and Eva will be the featured soloist. Concert starts at 3 PM. The Packers play the following Monday night, so there should be no conflicts there. Hope to see everyone at the show this weekend! Anyone who has questions about times or the dinner show, can text me. Now off to volunteer with the seniors at St. Francis. They are still looking for a volunteer on Fridays in the salon. Anyone interested can contact Dawn at St. Clare Terrace.