This morning we are getting ready for a newborn photo shoot in Mt. Juliet. Should be interesting with Belle. I'm going along to entertain/chase her:) Here are a few pics from last night.
Belle is keeping me on my toes, and this morning she woke up earlier than usual and wanted to play outside. Had my morning green tea sitting in 'Mr. Whale' while watching the neighbors cat playing with bugs:) After lunch, and hopefully a nap for Belle, we are heading to the Y to swim. Just booked my return flight to Wisco on the 13th, so will be in time to celebrate Ellie's 18th. birthday!
Thanks to Amy for taking us to the Nashville Zoo. We had a great time! Eva is enjoying her first day 'up north' near Eagle River with Mike, Devin, and others and Elle is due home today from State Honor's Music Camp. She is anxious to get in the pool which Paul reports is clear and perfect! Can't wait to get in it myself soon. Paul texted me that he had all the housework done today before heading off to work. He's been crazy busy with plumbing repairs in the rentals also, in a hurry to finish before the new renter arrives on July 1st. Belle continues to keep me on my toes, and the little baby is expected home on Monday. Woot woot:)
Belle slept for almost 12 hours last night! She loves her little backyard pool and it's a great outlet to channel all of her energy. Today we're coordinating plans for a zoo trip with Elise's friend Amy and little Josh, and then a few house projects and a trip to the Y to swim. The weather could not be more beautiful...let the day begin!
Today we say good-bye to Ellie as she heads off to Green Bay for State Honor's Camp. Eva and Mike also start a vacation near Eagle River to visit his family's summer house. Mike suffered an injury at work on Monday, so he won't be able to swim all week. I'm sure there's plenty of other activities, but it's a shame since last year they were in the water all the time. Belle is napping now, so I'm getting a few odds and ends finished. There has been very severe storms here in the last two days and we haven't been out much. Hopefully tomorrow we will get to the 'Y' rain or shine to swim, as they have both an indoor and an outdoor pool.
Belle and I are heading to Baptist Hospital for a visit this morning. Elise will be discharged later today. Thanks to James for the lovely picture of the girls.
Born at 5:13 this afternoon after 4 hours of labor, Charlotte Deborah is just perfect! 8 pounds and 2 ounces, 19 inches long. Congrats to James and Elise. I'm home now bathing Belle and then off to bed after a wonderful day!
There were some bad storms in the area when we headed off to the YMCA. I got a membership for this month, thanks to James. We are patiently awaiting the arrival of baby girl 2, but nothing happening yet. Belle is napping, and Elise is at a baby shower, so James and I are having some leftovers, and tackling reorganizing the pantry. High in the 90's here.
I had an early morning walk with Jacques at the UW campus. The prairie was full of baby birds of all kinds, and Jacques chased frogs around the pond until he was exhausted. What a great way to start the day! Just finishing up with chores around the house, including replacing a screen door on our airing porch, and then starting to pack for Nashville!
Thanks to our Face book friends for the variety of graduation photos today. We are enjoying a much more relaxed week. Most of the house projects are complete with just a few odds and ends to finish. Heading up to Chilton on Wednesday for a visit and to drop off our smallest pets for Tatum and True to 'critter' sit. I'll be flying down to Nashville on Thursday and plan an extended visit:) Hopefully will be posting new baby (xxooxx) photos soon!