Happy Sunday to everyone & Happy Father's Day to all the Dads! I'm forwarding an e-mail from Jack at church, and for those of you who can help please do! Paul and I plan to host a breakfast early for the members. This past week I received exciting news from the GATE! This year over 50 people are planning to come to visit with us! The excitement and joy of these mutual visits is encouraging more and more GATE members to come to FDL. Let's show our appreciation!
As we plan for another great visit, we invite you (people of all ages) to join us!
1) Most urgent! We are looking for a few more people to host for breakfast on Sunday morning! You can host 3 or 4 or even more if you wish. Breakfast is of your choice! Ask a friend or neighbor to join you in hosting!
2) Upon their arrival on Saturday (around 11:30am or 12noon), we are greeting them with lunch - currently planned for Sacred Heart School. We would like to have a good old fashioned Wisconsin cookout!
---- We cordially invite you, your spouse, your family to join us! Bring some food and we will cook it up! Just let us know that you can come!
---- If you are unable to attend but could help provide the meal - brats, burgers, chicken breast, hot-dogs, buns, or a dish or some of the fixings, please let us know.
3) Following the cookout on Saturday, we will spend time meeting with our guests from the GATE. Also, we will be boxing up food that has been collected for the GATE food pantry and for our local food pantry. Help is needed!
4) Join us at Liturgy and the social which follows. We are putting together the final numbers for the socials. - We are planning for 100-125 people for each social so let us know if you can come! If more wish to come, that would be great! The grocery store is not far away - if you let us know now, we will provide plenty of food! - Please consider joining us and sharing conversation with our friends at the GATE. To sign up for the social, just give one of us a call.
If you wish to participant in any way, please contact any one of us!
-- Jack Braun at the parish office, 921-0580, x119 or by cell 948-3392, or by email at jbraun@hffdl.org.
-- Sara Roltgen at 924-6801 or by email at sorshie71@yahoo.com.
-- Carol Braun at 922-8177 or by email at cabraun@charter.net.
-- Monna Flannery at 602-0106 or by email at mflannery21@yahoo.com.