I got quite a start this morning. I was doing laundry around 9 o'clock, when someone rang the doorbell. I missed it. I thought it was neighbor Gary who always comes over near the first of the month to pay his rent. He always comes back, so I was not concerned. I thought differently 10 minutes later when I heard a HUGE commotion...2 big firetrucks, an ambulance and police cars. My initial thought was "that sounds really close." For sure...it was for MY house! A neighbor saw the exhaust from my dryer vent, and called the fire department. From her vantage point, she could only see what looked like smoke! It was so humid, that I'm sure it looked like more than dryer exhaust. Anyway, these big guys burst in with axes and equipment! Needless to say there was no fire, and the neighbor felt foolish. The fire department was very nice to me, and even commented on Henry, but they felt a little foolish too. A false alarm :(