I want to share this e-mail, (with permission from the family.) I'm asking the folks locally, especially our church friends to PLEASE help out if you can and support this family. The story of their daughter is very touching. There's also a link to a very nice video. Also, maybe my co-workers would enjoy the May 2nd. walk with our residents. This would be a great way to enable them to help in their community as well. Thanks so much!
Hi Julie
This will seem very odd, I'm sure. I am a former Fond du Lac resident and I stumbled upon your blog a while ago. I read it regularly. Not to be nosy, just because it reminds me of home. I have nieces your daughters' ages. Your girls may know Jenni or Jamie from school/music/church things. Anyway, it feels very odd to be contacting a total stranger, and I do apologize for the weirdness. But, I do have a reason. I am very active in fundraising for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. I am on the committee for the Great Strides Walk for CF which will be held in Fond du Lac on May 2 at the FdL Yacht Club (and proceeding through the park). We are trying so hard to grow the walk. As you can imagine, with so many other great (and well known) causes also having walks this spring, it's hard to do. I feel a responsibility to exhaust every avenue in getting more people involved.
So, I thought I'd just send a little note and at least let you know it's happening. Maybe you or a few family members would be interested in joining us, or, maybe you know someone who would like to make a donation to support a walker on my team. Or, maybe you can just pass the word to others.
Here is a link to a short (5 min) video that I made about my daughter who has CF.
(copy and paste please)
Please take a little time to watch it. Feel free to e-mail me if you have questions about joining the walk or about anything else.
We will also be having a fundraiser at Oscar's on April 28th. They will donate 10% of the evening's profits to the Cystsic Fibrosis Foundation. Please let others know that this is a great night to go out to dinner and help out with a great cause!
Again, I apologize if contacting you was too forward or uncomfortable. As a mom, I know you know what it's like to want to do everything possible to protect your child...this is what I have to do to give her a fighting chance at growing to adulthood.
Thanks for taking the time.
Tami (Emily's Mother)