The date on today's photo is 3/31/85, which was my 25th, so I decided to share it. (LOVE the beard, Paul.) Today was a great birthday for me. Thanks to a co-worker, I had the entire day off, and headed to Manitowoc and had lunch with Mom, Koko,(Jill) Jeannine, Jeff, nephew Andy, niece Tatum, and foster sister Robin. The food was wonderful, and I was treated to a chocolate cheesecake for dessert. Afterward we went to Mom's for coffee and had a visit with Jason and his babies. The youngest is just 6 months, and is quite a charmer. I received some lovely cards and gift cards from the office, co-workers and friends from church, and also 2 beautiful bouquets and a mum plant from my younger co-workers. They said I am the honorary "Mum" at work. Paul also picked up donuts this morning which we shared with work and friends. Tonight I enjoyed a nice "catch up" conversation with my sister-in-law Kathy. Her kids are really great and it's nice to hear about their activities 'up north' in the UP. The only crappy thing today was the weather...soaking rain and driving winds which made the travel very unpleasant. Tonight Paul is playing in the back-up band for a Frank Sinatra impersonator (very good, I'm told) and I might try to get over there for a set. Thanks to everyone for making my day very special:) I feel blessed.