Here is the office memo about Elise.
I wanted everyone to know that Administration is now giving “Employee of the Month” awards for our dept. This is voted on by all managers- this way every dept is involved. For the month of June, we have Elise Estes. Please join me in congratulating her on this achievement. Elise has shown to her dept. and many others that she is willing to step in when needed and lend a helping hand. Elise is an asset to our dept.,and we are lucky to have her. Congratulations Elise, way to go!!!!!
Michelle Antrikin
Office Manager
I knew you were fantastic! Now everyone knows!
I would have been LOST without her when I had the baby……she does a lot for people on a personal level as well as business.
Monday, June 30, 2008
congrats Elise...
Elise was voted the 'employee of the month' today. It was an honor voted on by the Institute president and all the other employees. She gets a paid day off, her photo taken and a plaque. How neat. She's also busy singing with the group, the Tune Town Show Chorus in Nashville. She's met a lot of great people and loves the socializing as well as the great music. Today is busy here as well. Tatum and True spent the night last night, and we had fun watching movies and eating popcorn. We watched Tarzan, 101 Dalmatians and Matilda. Today we plan to swim after the water's been ph'd up. We've had quite a bit more rain, and that always messes things up in the pool:) I've been called in to work this evening for someone involved in an accident, so that makes for a short day:( Better get started!
Friday, June 27, 2008
a sad situation from the newspaper
Final count: 200 cats pulled from Follett Street home
During recount, FdL Humane Society tallies 30 more
The Reporter Staff • June 27, 2008
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The cat count keeps climbing.
The Fond du Lac Humane Society now says that about 200 felines were pulled from 190 E. Follett St. after authorities learned earlier this week about the inordinate amount of cats in the home, said Lucy Mathers, general manager for the animal-rescue organization.
During the chaos of trying to get all the animals checked into facilities Monday and Tuesday, Mathers said employees struggled to determine a final inventory. During a recount, they tallied 30 more cats than were originally thought to be at the shelter.
“We tried to count them all that night, but I think we missed some of the babies,” she said.
The humane society, 652 Triangle Road, continues to need volunteers and donations, Mathers said.
“We really need cleaning supplies now: Bleach, paper towel and laundry detergent,” she said. Cat food and litter is also needed, she said.
Five of the cats, so far, have had to be euthanized, Mathers said.
“Out of that many that were inside the home, that’s not bad,” she said.
The humane society will continued to check over the cats next week and provide necessary care, she said.
“We are probably not going to adopt all these guys out until after the Fourth of July,” Mathers said.
During recount, FdL Humane Society tallies 30 more
The Reporter Staff • June 27, 2008
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The cat count keeps climbing.
The Fond du Lac Humane Society now says that about 200 felines were pulled from 190 E. Follett St. after authorities learned earlier this week about the inordinate amount of cats in the home, said Lucy Mathers, general manager for the animal-rescue organization.
During the chaos of trying to get all the animals checked into facilities Monday and Tuesday, Mathers said employees struggled to determine a final inventory. During a recount, they tallied 30 more cats than were originally thought to be at the shelter.
“We tried to count them all that night, but I think we missed some of the babies,” she said.
The humane society, 652 Triangle Road, continues to need volunteers and donations, Mathers said.
“We really need cleaning supplies now: Bleach, paper towel and laundry detergent,” she said. Cat food and litter is also needed, she said.
Five of the cats, so far, have had to be euthanized, Mathers said.
“Out of that many that were inside the home, that’s not bad,” she said.
The humane society will continued to check over the cats next week and provide necessary care, she said.
“We are probably not going to adopt all these guys out until after the Fourth of July,” Mathers said.
training day and missing Val

Today was a busy day at work. While I trained a new employee, we had another plumbing emergency. When we were finished cleaning that up, we had a nice outing for lunch and to the 'Y' with the autistic client. Everything went well. Aliyah, Elle, Eva and I are heading to Oshkosh to do a little shopping and attend some of the Country USA concerts, and afterward plan a long swim. It has been so warm that we've been swimming far into the evening. Tomorrow we plan more work in the basement to organize what is left, and then a trip to Stan's to put in a few more plants. The tomatoes are growing nicely. I have 13 tomatoes on one plant. The basil is also quite large, and the hot peppers are doing great. Just love to watch the garden grow:) 'Hello' goes out to sister-in-law Kathy, brother-in-law Bob and nephew Erik, who called recently on a soccer road trip. Paul had a nice conversation with the folks, and laughed alot when he was talking to them. Perhaps I can get Paul to share a story or two here...he is not much to write a journal. We'll see:) By the way, I have neglected my personal journal (not online) and have new energy to continue thanks to Val's journal. Stan and I always read her journal and enjoy reminiscing. She wrote regularly, not necessarily everyday, and always seemed to be able to 'catch up' with life's important moments. She was the neatest lady. I miss her very much, but especially miss her gentle look when she saw a child or a kitten. She just lit up:)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Thanks to Stan...
A special thanks to Stan for the garlic and strawberries. Sounds like a funny combo. We're using the garlic in a pesto tonight, and I shared the strawberries with friend Debbie who lost so much in the flood. That was such a bittersweet event. Strangers got to know each other, and neighbors couldn't help each other because they were in the same boat. Cases of e-coli and lung problems are surfacing now. I wonder what the long term side effects will be, both physical and emotional. On a lighter note, Aliyah was here tonight and had a good swim. That's always refreshing. I couldn't join her tonight. Had a plumbing crisis at work, and was feeling too grubby to even be in the chlorine filled pool:) 'Hi' to Naiza and family who we saw today at the pizza place. It's always nice to get caught up on the musical family's news. Thanks also for all the folks who've helped with the flooding...they are too numerous to mention, but include the folks at Holy Family who offered prayers. Go here for info on the organic gardern.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
fun in the summer pics
Thanks to Jo for the new pictures. The weather has been so beautiful, that we've been planning outings all week to take advantage of it. Eva is busy also teaching Christian Formation for Holy Family. She has 6 year olds, and she's totally loving it...they say the cutest things. In a response to a question Eva asked about how the sun and water nurtured plants, little Olivia commented she couldn't eat Goldfish, because she has a wiggly tooth:)
Monday, June 23, 2008
new baby

Today we visited the Larson's farm in Ripon. They have champion Clydesdales, and they recently were blessed with a new baby girl named Stormy. She was born during all the rain and storms. She was 200 pounds at birth, and at 9 days old is a very tall and lanky girl. Jo and the kids joined us, and is was a a perfect day to tromp around on a farm. The owners won all kinds of awards for their horses, and have the biggest Clydesdale in the US. His name is Reggie...they are avid Packer fans. More photos to come. I have to snapfish them around first.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
finally summer!
Thursday, June 19, 2008

My hibiscus plant has 6 flowers today. It's just beautiful. Had to take some time out and away from basements to enjoy the plants. All 3 basements (out of the 6) are now completely empty, and thoroughly cleaned and bleached out. It was exhausting, and all of us are sore from moving things. Today Elle and I worked on finishing the paint job in her bedroom. She took a break for a sax lesson and rehearsal for Community Theater's Cinderella. Tomorrow should finish things up for Elle's room, and then she's going to pick out some new lamps and accessories. Lastly, we're going to carpet it. Eva's room, as well as the master bedroom has hardwood floors, but Elle wanted carpeting. At least we don't have to worry about the water flooding up on the second floor:)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
clean up
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Fondy graduation held today

Graduation was held today at Fondy High, after being cancelled twice due to high water. Our neighbor and friend Jenny Hughes King is pictured at left. The Manty family might remember her as our neighbor girl, who spent many days and nights at our house. She was very close to Elise when she was a baby, and was the 'babysitter' at our house when Eva arrived. Babysitter does not suffice. Jen was, and is, a part of the family. She's just like a daughter to me. Love you Jen, and congrats to the class of 2008.
Happy Father's Day
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
more rain
Eva, Elle and Paul are out scouring the neighborhood for new photos of the flood. This is the most flooding we've experienced since we've been here twenty years ago. Someone was actually paddling a canoe on Ray Street, adjacent to Maple Avenue. Ducks and geese were swimming down Maple Ave. Will post photos when I get them.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Apologies go out to Stan and others today. I was so preoccupied with the mess in the basement that I missed my time with Stan on the farm. I had intended to plant our cabbage plants and melons. I have been growing them since January. (Incedently, my hyro-garden was lost in the flood.) Also, I never made it to the company party. I was SO dirty, I couldn't clean up well enough to attend. It's a shame. We have so many wonderful staff, I would have enjoyed it. Today I bought Earl a new cage. His cage was under water and has to be sterilized before it can be used again. Birds are very sensitive.
way to go Elle...
In the last concert of the year on Monday, Elle received the Most Outstanding Musicianship award for best all-around musician at the middle school. It was quite an honor, being voted on by the students, as well as the teachers. Vonn stopped over and we all celebrated with strawberry cheesecake. Today is back to work in the basement. The water has subsided, so now the real clean-up begins. Also later today is my company's summer picnic. I'd like to take a break long enough to show up for some socializing, food and fun:)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
a happy second...
Congrats go out to Gretch and Justin on their 2nd. anniversary. I'm sorry I can't post a photo tonight, because I haven't downloaded all my photos from the old computer. I have some lovely ones. The wedding was just beautiful in every sense.
flood news

As everyone knows, it's been raining great amounts in the Midwest. Fond du Lac is very low in the valley, so we just get saturated. We personally were not spared over the weekend. 2 of our 6 houses had 2 feet of water in the basement. Unfortunately, our own home also did. We lost everything in the basement. Our washer, dryer, tools, clothing, American girl doll collections, bird cages, dog food, cat food, bird seeds, Cd's, TVs, exercise equipment and multiple miscellaneous items were ruined. Basically everything. Paul managed to save some framed photos. It was kind of funny, in a surreal sort of way. The cat's sat on the third step (from the bottom) and watched as their cat box floated by. An insurance man was due here today, but was so busy he didn't get here. Maybe tomorrow. We always wanted to clean the basement thoroughly...well now is the chance :(
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Walleye Weekend photos
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
congrats to Elle

Congratulations to Elle who sang the national anthem at the Timber Rattlers game today in Appleton. It was a field trip for all the middle schools, so it was a very special honor. Eva and I are heading out to bring Stan his favorite supper...a reuben sandwich. Afterward we're finishing up the pool. Hit us with some warm weather, so we can actually get in it:)
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