Monday, March 31, 2008
Thanks Kim...
Thanks to Kim for an early morning call wishing me a happy birthday, and telling the news of her son Isaac's army buddy, Keith 'Matt' Maupin. Matt's remains have been identified in Iraq after years of being missing. Such a tragic end for his family.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Happy Birthday to Fr. Pat:)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Happy Birthday to Krissy:)

A birthday wish goes out to Krissy on her 23rd birthday. I heard from Grandma that she will celebrate on Sunday. Great! Hope I can join the festivities. Love to Krissy from her Fondy folks. We just got a new computer today, so I don't know where my photos are...I'll find a nice one of Krissy when I get "on board" with this thing. Paul must think we're blind...the screen is 2 feet wide! Takes some getting used to.
Here's a cute picture of Krissy and Earl.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Happy Birthday to Gracie:)

This is certainly the month for birthdays. On March 24th., we celebrated Grace's birthday. Here's a pic of Grace and her cousin Krissy. Happy Birthday to little cousin Grace:) Today I signed up for an anxiety symposium at the Paper Valley in Appleton in June for 12 CEU's (continuing ed contact hours.) It's a 2-day, but it's an easy commute from here. The job is going very well, and I am very happy with my progress. My physical progress (of getting over this flu) is starting to look up as well. I just booked my airfare to Nashville in April to visit Elise. James is gone that weekend, but we have plans to put in some perennials and visit some civil war battlefields. I sure wish Mary Jo could coordinate a trip up from Atlanta. She loves history as I do.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008

I'm doing a little pampering today...Grace (Elise's vocal prof) and I are going to a foot spa and an herbal make-up party. It should be fun. I also listened to my favorite Easter music this morning: Hayden's Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ. It is so beautiful and yet so hauntingly sad. Dustin is over for the weekend. Thought this photo was nice. (Used with permission given by his Mom.)
Friday, March 21, 2008
cute wedding pic
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Vala and Vonn and namesake...
Aliyah in the paper...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
hump day
Not much on the docket today...just an average day. I'm working only 10-3, so should have some time to relax tonight. Elle has dance, and Paul and Eva have choir rehearsal, so Aliyah and I might do a little Easter shopping. Finally I am getting over the flu, strep and cough (of the last 5 weeks or so.) I've been actually lucky, I suppose. I haven't been sick at all since 1994. I guess I made up for it this year!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
haven't heard yet
Haven't heard from friend news is good news. Today was a good day at work. I got a lot of paperwork done, and also had a class in fire safety. On the home front, Aliyah is missing me a lot. She's been acting out in school, and she's always been very good there. I think it's because I'm absent from her life for hours at a time, when I was there before. We've had her tutored in her studies, and she's always done well, but she's slipping in math. I have to get on top of this:(
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Prayers needed folks...
Friend Mary called today, and shared that she's been battling the flu, like the rest of us, for many weeks. However, unlike the rest of us, Mary's hearing has been compromised, and she's had to have some tests. Since she lost much of her hearing on one side rather quickly, the Dr's. are concerned and are checking for a tumor. She'll know the results of the tests on Tuesday. As you can imagine, she's frightened and anxious. Let's all remember Mary in our prayers. It only takes a minute to say an extra prayer. She needs our support. Thanks. Also, I haven't heard from Mary Jo in Atlanta. I hope she's O.K. after the storm there. MJ we'd love to here from you.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Eva with spring flowers
Disturbing story...
This is a most disturbing story. Eva recently played the lead in UW's production of 'Roommate.' She was pictured in the local paper with opposite lead, Matt. We got a phone call yesterday from the FDL police. It seems someone took the photo, scanned and photo shopped it into an extremely graphic porno shot. They then made stickers, and stuck them over the originals, and delivered them to 177 homes in North Fond du Lac. There sure are a lot of sickos out there. The police were really great about handling the situation. They asked if Eva had enemies, etc. They also apologized and seemed equally upset. The search is on. They don't know if it's a random act or purposefully directed toward Eva and/or Matt. Eva's really been much more careful and looking over her shoulder.
Happy Birthday to Mary!
This is surely the month of birthdays! Happy Birthday goes out to friend Mary in Manitowoc, who is 40-something today. I first met Mary in a sandbox when I was 3. Memory vaguely recalls an incident of sand throwing?...none the less, after a rocky start we became good friends for 40+ years. Best wishes to Mary:)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
off to school
I'm off to school with Elle this morning to design the 'student of the month' calender. After that, I'm headed to the office for some paperwork, and out to the group home to train new staff from 10-5. The ice is finally melting now, making Maple Avenue more tolerable. Today will be mild. Hooray for spring. It's almost here!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
dumb animals
Dumb animals...NOT. I had to share a Henry/puppy story. While we were puppy sitting, I made Paul a fruit cocktail cake. (Kathy will remember the wonderful recipe of Hilde's.) Anyway, the recipe calls for just shy of 2 cans of fruit cocktail, so I always give the rest to Henry. He was on the countertop island, eating the fruit from his bowl, and along came the puppy. Henry took a bite of each piece, carefully cleaned off the good juices, and dropped the leftovers over the edge to the waiting puppy, who quickly ate it up. (Jo said she'd eat anything.) After the second or third time, he said to the puppy, "want some?" Incredible. That's one smart bird. Experts say they are as intelligent as a 5-year-old child. I'm convinced.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Happy 50th. to Paul :)

Photo was taken 25 years ago, and is one of our favorites. We celebrated last night with a cookout and went to lunch today at a local favorite, the Backyard Grill. Congratulations also to Ron and Amy, church co-workers, on the birth of their 3rd. daughter, Eva. Isn't that nice? The family might remember Ron playing the lead opposite our Eva in the Music Man last summer. They had just found out they were expecting another girl. I said to Eva back then, "wouldn't it be nice if they named her Eva?" (they have 2 other 'E' names already.) She laughed and said, "I don't think so Mom."
A warm welcome to little Eva!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Happy Birthday to Koko:)

Happy 52nd. Birthday to Koko, shown here at Elle's 13th. birthday 'taco' party. Busy weekend here. My autistic client is here for respite this weekend, and Eva's play is in full swing with performances this afternoon, tonight and tomorrow. Paul is busy playing for solo and ensemble at the Lutheran High School, and Elle is doing hair and make-up for Eva's show. "Dustin" and I are looking forward to a day of babysitting JoJo's puppy. Jo and the family are headed to Rockford for Tim's brother's birthday. The puppy is too little to stay alone, and will stay overnight. Maybe Jo has a photo of Ivy...she is American Eskimo. Will post one if I can get one. Hope all is well with the cyber folks:)
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
still sick
I'm still sick after 17 days...I'm doing all the basics...going to work and church, but this flu is a killer. I have been coughing for 14 of the 17 days, but it's letting up enough to go on with the normal routine. It was nice to see Trina on Saturday. Her husband Phil died after complications of a heart attack he had in December. They had been married 24 years. He was in his 50's. I feel on the mend now, but just need some time to get to 100 percent.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Happy Birthday to Andy!
Happy March 1st!

Welcome back to all the extended family who made the annual trip to St. John this year. What a nice break from this long winter. I think I see Krissy and Jeannine on the beach:) Lots going on here. I'm headed up to Manty to attend a friend's husband's funeral, and picking up Grandma on the way. Afterward, Jo and Tim have an art show at the high school...should be fun. After mass on Sunday, I'm heading back up to Jo Jo's to visit. Tyler and Maddie are stopping by (for a haircut and help on a resume) and Elle and I made some treats to bring along. Last night Elle went to Oshkosh to see the Wizard performed by the highschool kids. She enjoyed it and I guess got some ideas for the middle school production. One of the teachers is loaning his little terrier for the part of Toto.
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