Wednesday, January 30, 2008
still stuck
The wind has passed, but the cold is still with us. Holy Family staff went home early today because they had no heat in the office. Amazing. A brand new structure like that and they have problems already. The good news is that everything is warrantied and will be fixed, but still:( Work today was a true 'baptism by fire.' Everything went wrong. Everything. From weather related problems, to a resident acting out sexually, we had it all. On the whole however, I'm encouraged. I managed the situations as I went along. I also scored 100 percent in my medical management quiz as well as the state statutes and confidentiality quizzes. My TB test and drug screening was negative, hello... what a waste of time and money...and I'm signed up to attend an autism seminar at Marian on Saturday. Although today was difficult, it was very much a learning experience. A very special "hello" goes out to Martha, Val and Stan's daughter from Tennessee, who's on board with blogging now. She's got 2 young girls, both talented musicians, and we're looking forward to her blog. Maybe she can share some of those scrumptious southern recipes, y'all! Love you Martha.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Cute Steve and Aliyah self photo...

Aliyah took the second photo this afternoon. We're homebound tonight, with some very treacherous conditions outdoors. The wind is gusting to 40 MPH, and the temp is dropping, expecting to get to minus 6. The wind chills will reach 35 below. Steve is safely in the garage with the space heater, on his favorite down comforter. I fed him an extra 2 cups of food today. Steve HATES being indoors, no matter what the weather. We've tried in the past to bring him in, but he always whines to go outside.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Thanks to Jo
Thanks to Jo for taking care of the Christmas donations this year, in lieu of a gift exchange. The money will be donated to Time of Grace Ministry in Milwaukee. I'm planning a trip to Chilton to visit her and the T's:) Elle and I went out for breakfast after church, but the only place to sit was the smoking section. Yuck. We had to change clothes when we got home:(
Friday, January 25, 2008
"Earl"y bird and Birdzilla

Earl and Henry are unusually friendly today. They aren't used to me being gone such long days. They missed 2 pet therapy gigs at the hospital because of the cold. We'll have to make them up when the weather moderates. Today was a tough one for my patient. He was talking about suicide all day, and when his retired cop friends stopped over he asked them to leave a gun. It was a difficult situation. His minister came to visit with communion and that helped a bit. Pastor was very encouraging and found just the right scripture passages to try to comfort. Hope this weekend will be better for him. His daughter is scheduled to visit from Milwaukee, and hopefully that will help the situation...that and a change of meds, or rather an increase in his anxiety med dosage.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Thanks to Grandma
Thanks to Grandma Mare for identifying the boy in the's Uncle Bill, and the date was 1949 not 1959. She remembered his cap:)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Big Snow

Our official total for snow Monday was 9.5 inches. It was a workout shoveling out all of the rentals plus our own house. I found the bottom photo in Grandma Lee's album. The caption read, "January 23rd. 1959, looking west towards Jens' house." (Jens lived there before the Longmeyer family.) Also, found the top one taken near the same date, but with no reference to who it is. Jeff would be the right age, but it just doesn't look like him. Any ideas?
Planning our flight...
As you know, Vonn acquired his private pilot's license last Wednesday. We're planning our first flight with him. Maybe to Madison to visit Mick and Jeff, or to Milwaukee to see Gretch and Justin. So neat...congrats again to Vonn.
Monday, January 21, 2008
quiet afternoon
Eva, Elle and Rick went to the Y to work out and swim. (No school because of semester break.) I got caught up on laundry and paid a few bills. I'd hoped to drive up to Manitowoc to see Grandma, but the snow is piling up...there's about 5 inches on the ground and it continues to come down heavily. Tonight Elle and Aliyah dance. One of Elle's ballet costumes is a pirate, complete with a sword. (Not sure how that works with ballet.) Her hip hop dance is to a 70's Michael Jackson tune. Jazz and tap costumes are pretty simple and inexpensive. Thank heavens recital is every other year. This year the performances are on Mother's Day weekend. Elle will be in all 4 shows, while Aliyah is in only 1. Also, for the local folks, let me know who'd like to see the "Wizard" on April 11,12 and 13. The performance on the 13Th. is a matinee. Should be a busy spring.
Mr. Snowman

I met a nice couple this morning who came from Atlanta to attend the game last night. They said that while they were disappointed with the loss, they were very glad to be there...even with the 15 below wind chills. I then had a meeting with the autism group home management and am encouraged by the job description. Will know more tomorrow. Afterward, Elle and I went to Stan's to take care of the farm animals while he's visiting his sister in Rockford. It's been 1 year since his wife died, my best-ever patient, and we really miss her. Val struggled for 7 years with Alzheimer's. Stan hasn't decided yet on a headstone. More snow expected today, 4-6 inches, but so far there's only about 2. Photo is of Vonn and neighbor boy with a snowman they made outside a nearby elderly apartment complex. The old folks really enjoyed watching the process.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
nice weekend
We really enjoyed our weekend with the new respite client. The cats totally trusted him, and slept with and entertained him. We grilled out gosh it was COLD. Paul was at New Holstein doing a cabaret show at the High School, so I grilled out while Eva, Elle and Rick played Wii with the client. Afterward, Vonn stopped over with news that he passed the test for getting his private pilot's license, as of last week. Way to go Vonn! We're so proud of your accomplishment. He visited with his new girlfriend (I hope that's O.K. to say) and she's a great girl. She loves animals and Vonn was teasing every animal here. She gave him the business:) Now it's time for the Packers.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Useless but fun trivia...
Ellie defended her "title" at Woodworth Junior High this week, by typing the alphabet the 2.7 seconds! No fooling. She can only do it with short nails however. We had her show Jack and some of the office staff at Holy Family last year when she accomplished the feat for the first time. It really is incredible to watch. Her mind works in mysterious ways:)
Happy Birthday to Ty!

A very happy 31st. birthday wish goes out to nephew Tyler! Believe it or not, out of 5,700 photos, I don't have 1 of Ty. I picked for today, this lovely photo of his daughter Madeline with Elise at Krissy's wedding. I talked to brother-in-law Dave today, and Ty is coming up to Manitowoc this afternoon, so I'll give him a call. Otherwise, things are going smoothly with our respite boy. He said he had a great night sleep compared to home. It seems the people who live in the upstairs apartment party all night, and make lots of noise. The poor kid. He enjoyed his kitty friend Drumstick, who slept with him last night.
Friday, January 18, 2008
getting ready for the weekend
Spent an 8 hour day with "Jack" and now I'm gearing up for my respite weekend with the 13 year-old special needs boy, who I'll pick up at 6PM. Ellie's giving up her bedroom and bunking in with Eva. Aliyah can't wait, because the boy loves Nintendo, and Aliyah will have a partner. His social worker says he loves animals, so he'll be in heaven here:) He'll be with us until Sunday evening, at which time we'll "switch gears" and have a combination BBQ and Packer tailgate party:) Can't wait. Everything, EVERYTHING is the Pac right now. Restaurants are closing down so the workers can go home and watch the game. Even Schreiners, a landmark here in town, is closing at 5. It reminds me of the super bowl of 1997. You could literally lay on Main Street and not see a car for hours. Elise and friend Emily actually did just that! Paul and I continue in our healthier diets, with 7 and 9 pounds lost respectively. Woo hoo;)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
a great family

Photo is of my dearest Alzheimer's patient enjoying a sucker that Aliyah gave her. She will be gone 1 year on Monday. I think of her every day. She has the greatest family. My day hours with my new Alzheimer's client have been very rewarding. His family is wonderful, and is totally dedicated to his care and well being. As many of you know, this disease can be very trying, and our patient "Jack" is struggling with it. His wit and natural intelligence, coupled with his love of friends and family, make him a great character. His confusion and lack of "purpose" as he sees it, make him very despondent. Today he mentioned that I must be his other daughter, because we both have green eyes:) Alzheimer's is such an unfair disease. "Jack" is very bright. He knows the disease will only progress. It is so hard to listen to him talk of his decline. I want to try to be a strength for the family, and feel privileged to be able to add to his quality of life. Let's all pray for "Jack" tonight. Thanks folks.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
recent article in the Milwaukee Catholic Herald
Holy Family Church is 'new beginning' in Fond du Lac
Building is ‘symbol of unity’ of six merged parishes
By Amy Guckeen
Catholic Herald Staff
FOND DU LAC - They are one body, one church.
While the six parishes of Fond du Lac that became Holy Family merged in 2000, 2007 marks the year that together they built one church.
"The new church is kind of like a new beginning," said Fr. Patrick Heppe, priest team moderator, said. "We came together as a new parish. The new church seems to solidify the deal."
Holy Family, 271 Fourth Street Way, on the east side of Fond du Lac, joins the other three sites being used by the parish - Sacred Heart on the west side, St. Mary downtown, and St. Peter in the country to the east.
"It's really a rededication of a community to Church," Fr. Heppe, said. "How do you put that into words? You can't."
"It makes us feel more like one Holy Family," said Kathy Bunge, parish receptionist who helped in the planning of the new church and dedication ceremony. "We're six churches together, and this is a symbol of our unity."
The blood, sweat and tears of parish volunteers have been put into the new church, Fr. Heppe said, something that rings especially true for Paul Thelen, director of liturgy and music, who put in countless hours since he joined the concept committee in 2001-2002.
"It was incredible," Thelen said of the dedication of the new church by Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan on Dec. 2. "The only thing that made me more proud or was more of a fulfilling experience was the birth of my children. Seeing it all come together was just incredible."
Volunteers helped the new church to come alive, Thelen said.
"Anything we needed done, we had lots of folks who just stepped in," Thelen said. "It really emphasizes our unity as a whole Catholic community in Fond du Lac. This new worship space belongs to everyone. It's the identity of the whole parish."
The new building includes signs and symbols from the six churches that have become Holy Family - Sacred Heart, St. Joseph, St. Mary, St. Peter, St. Patrick, and St. Louis, which was destroyed by fire in March. Accoutrements include the organ from St. Joseph, processional cross from St. Louis and tabernacle from St. Patrick.
"There are six beams that are part of Holy Family that hold up the church," Fr. Heppe said. "Each of those six beams represents the six churches that make up Holy Family parish."
Approximately 16,000+ parishioners belong to Holy Family, constituting much of the Fond du Lac community, which has a population of roughly 43,000.
- By Amy Guckeen
Building is ‘symbol of unity’ of six merged parishes
By Amy Guckeen
Catholic Herald Staff
FOND DU LAC - They are one body, one church.
While the six parishes of Fond du Lac that became Holy Family merged in 2000, 2007 marks the year that together they built one church.
"The new church is kind of like a new beginning," said Fr. Patrick Heppe, priest team moderator, said. "We came together as a new parish. The new church seems to solidify the deal."
Holy Family, 271 Fourth Street Way, on the east side of Fond du Lac, joins the other three sites being used by the parish - Sacred Heart on the west side, St. Mary downtown, and St. Peter in the country to the east.
"It's really a rededication of a community to Church," Fr. Heppe, said. "How do you put that into words? You can't."
"It makes us feel more like one Holy Family," said Kathy Bunge, parish receptionist who helped in the planning of the new church and dedication ceremony. "We're six churches together, and this is a symbol of our unity."
The blood, sweat and tears of parish volunteers have been put into the new church, Fr. Heppe said, something that rings especially true for Paul Thelen, director of liturgy and music, who put in countless hours since he joined the concept committee in 2001-2002.
"It was incredible," Thelen said of the dedication of the new church by Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan on Dec. 2. "The only thing that made me more proud or was more of a fulfilling experience was the birth of my children. Seeing it all come together was just incredible."
Volunteers helped the new church to come alive, Thelen said.
"Anything we needed done, we had lots of folks who just stepped in," Thelen said. "It really emphasizes our unity as a whole Catholic community in Fond du Lac. This new worship space belongs to everyone. It's the identity of the whole parish."
The new building includes signs and symbols from the six churches that have become Holy Family - Sacred Heart, St. Joseph, St. Mary, St. Peter, St. Patrick, and St. Louis, which was destroyed by fire in March. Accoutrements include the organ from St. Joseph, processional cross from St. Louis and tabernacle from St. Patrick.
"There are six beams that are part of Holy Family that hold up the church," Fr. Heppe said. "Each of those six beams represents the six churches that make up Holy Family parish."
Approximately 16,000+ parishioners belong to Holy Family, constituting much of the Fond du Lac community, which has a population of roughly 43,000.
- By Amy Guckeen
newspaper photo
when it rains
When it rains, it pours. This week I was finishing up last minute paperwork for the autism group home management position, when I got a call from a former boss. A woman wanted private help for her husband who suffers from Alzheimer's. So I'm working days with him until the group home position starts. I wish there were 2 of me...I have much more work than I can handle. I had a nice long break however, so I'm really anxious to get working again. I lost a good friend this week after a few weeks in hospice. Ellie loved to play cards with her when we'd visit. Rest in peace Evelyn, we'll miss your kind and gentle spirit. Eva is singing for the funeral tomorrow, and Paul will play. On the home front, Paul and I are dieting and exercising, trying to recapture our most healthy and successful year of 2001. So far, Paul's lost 4 pounds and I've lost 7. Encouraging. If the pack wins next week, we've decided to host the super bowl party for our friends. I must get creative with healthy cheating!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Oh My Gosh!
Imagine...not only did the Packers win, but the Cowboys lost! How very cool! It won't be cool to Carl, our building contractor for the new church. His nephew (sister's child) is Tony Romo. Small world. Paul has been working with him every day for months. Carl recently had a cowboys jersey on, when they played in Detroit. He was going to the game. I wish we had tickets for the game in Green Bay. It'll be good, win or lose.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Happy 20th. Birthday, Eva!

Couldn't resist this cute photo taken on Eva's 2nd. birthday. We'll be leaving at 2 this afternoon for the Madison concert. Rick and Eva are riding along. Right now Aliyah's baby cousin is visiting. "Cameron" is just learning to walk. It's nice to have a baby in the house. Old McTavish has perked up, and is following the little guy all around:)
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Busy for a Thursday
Tonight is induction for National Honor Society, preceded by some musical numbers that Elle and her jazz group will perform. Afterward there is a social in the gym of the junior high. Paul is running in at the last minute due to a back to back work schedule and choir practice. Yesterday, Aliyah and I bowled, and who would have thought, she's really good! She has a lot of strength. Afterward, I finished up some paper work for the new job, which will start soon. Have to pack for the weekend in Madison, and then home to a late night party for Eva's birthday. More snow expected today...2-4 inches.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Elle in Madison
Elle will be heading down to Madison this weekend for the Honor's Choir project. The final concert will be at 4 PM on Saturday. Paul is predicting that not many will attend with the Packer play-off game starting at 3. I think he was disappointed in the time also. I must call Jeff and Mick who have a place in Madison. They might like to attend. It's also Eva's 20th. birthday and she and her friends will be hot-tubbing and wii-ing:) I had a nice visit with Stan yesterday. He is really suffering with constant back pain, and can't get to the pain clinic until Thursday. I cleaned a little for him, and visited over lunch. We had a terrible thunderstorm while I was there...hail and lightning...the whole 9 yards. We heard Kenosha got the worst of it with an actual tornado. Strange weather.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Up all night...
I must admit to being up all night last night. I was thinking about the first funeral that Paul played for 25 years ago. It was for a woman who was shot by her husband. The husband was at the funeral, seated at the back of church with a jumpsuit on. He suffered from alcoholism, and also a brain aneurysm. Anyway he just died this week, after spending 10 years in prison, several years in a group home (where I first met him,) and the remaining years of his life on probation. He was really a wonderful human being...just a great father and grandfather. I'll miss him. Eva says she really doesn't understand. It's hard to explain, I suppose. He was the easiest man to talk to...very spiritual and contemplative, and did so much for others in his situation. He never denied his responsibility. Rest in peace friend. A shout out to friend Jane here. How funny that you've come back into my life at this juncture. You also know this story. How neat that you can share this history with me.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
the poem
I must mention that the words on Eva's latest photo were taken from a poem Elle wrote for English class. I must find it in full. It's very nice. Happy "12th. day of Christmas" to all, or y'all for those of you from the south. We had a nice service for Epiphany at the new church. Two more are scheduled for tomorrow.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Paul's phone call
Paul received a very interesting phone call from a woman in the Twin Cities. She asked if our daughter had recently gotten married (?) She said that her husband, a trucker, had just found some camera equipment along the interstate. There was no ID, so they watched the video found inside the case to see if they could find the owner. The wedding program was on the front with our names and Holy Family Church on it, so they tracked us down in Fond du Lac. It seems the videographer, Krissy's cousin Beau, was gone over the holidays. He came home to find his place ransacked and his camera equipment stolen. He had just finished speaking to the police when Paul called, telling him that this woman from the Twin Cities had found the tape. Apparently the camera was gone, but the tape was intact. Wow, did he (and we) breathe a sigh of relief. This furthers my theory that are a lot of good people out there. I sent the 'finders' a thank you.
interesting few days
New Years Day was a great time with 9 friends over for surf and turf. After dinner we looked at wedding photos and ordered a few. They are all so beautiful. On a weird note, I suffered a 'corneal abrasion' (long story) and although it's not serious, it is very painful. So the last few days have been rather unproductive. I've been staying home and doing the basics. The eye should be back to normal in a few days. I've never had contacts or glasses, so this constant tearing and blurred vision is a real nuisance. On a lighter note, the choir just had a Christmas party this week, and it's always a good time. It was held in the new Gathering Hall at church. Dottie made a great creamed cheese dip with jalapenos, and gave us the leftovers:) I stopped by the bowling alley today to watch Stan bowl. He's amazing for 86 years old! His average is 168. He bought me a Guidepost journal for 2008 which is very nice. Val and I always kept a daily journal. Thanks Stan.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Any one interested?
Hi all,
I pasted this e-mail from Jenny (Hughes) King. If any one's interested, give her a call. It's Eva's birthday on the 12th., and we have other plans.
Fondy Me
Hi Everyone,
We are selling our tickets to the Packers upcoming NFC playoff game at Lambeau. Here are the specifics:
Two tickets to the Green Bay Packers first home NFC playoff game. The game is Saturday, January 12th at 3:30 p.m.
The seats are located in Section 129, Row 27, Seats 11 & 12 (one section over from the Packer tunnel). Price is $800 for the two tickets.
If interested, let me know or please contact Mike at (920) 539-0331.
Happy New Year!! Jenny
I pasted this e-mail from Jenny (Hughes) King. If any one's interested, give her a call. It's Eva's birthday on the 12th., and we have other plans.
Fondy Me
Hi Everyone,
We are selling our tickets to the Packers upcoming NFC playoff game at Lambeau. Here are the specifics:
Two tickets to the Green Bay Packers first home NFC playoff game. The game is Saturday, January 12th at 3:30 p.m.
The seats are located in Section 129, Row 27, Seats 11 & 12 (one section over from the Packer tunnel). Price is $800 for the two tickets.
If interested, let me know or please contact Mike at (920) 539-0331.
Happy New Year!! Jenny
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